A frequently asked question in the healthcare industry is what is HIPAA certification; for although there is no standard or implementation specification within HIPAA that requires Covered Entities or Business Associate to certify compliance, several third-party organizations offer HIPAA certification services.
What is HIPAA Certification?
Although there is no official HHS-mandated HIPAA certification process or accreditation, it would be beneficial if there was. A HIPAA compliance certification could demonstrate that a Covered Entity or Business Associate understands and complies with HIPPA regulations – thus, for example, saving Covered Entities a considerable amount of time conducting due diligence on prospective vendors.
Nonetheless, despite there being no requirement for HIPAA certification, some companies claim to be certified as HIPAA compliant. What this means is they have passed a third-party organization´s HIPAA compliance program and implemented mechanisms to maintain compliance. In the absence of a program endorsed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), this is the next best thing.
Why there is No HHS-Endorsed HIPAA Certification
The Department of Health and Human Services does not endorse any type of HIPAA certification because HIPAA compliance is an on-going progress. A HIPAA certified company may have passed a third-party organization´s HIPAA compliance program and implemented mechanisms to maintain compliance, but that is no guarantee the company will remain HIPAA compliant in the future.
There are multiple reasons why a company may not remain HIPAA compliant in the future. It may change the technologies it uses or the ways in which technologies are used. It may change business objectives, operational procedures, or change staff management policies. Any of these changes might invalidate a HIPAA certification – notwithstanding that HIPAA regulations may also change in the future.
HIPAA Training and Certification
HIPAA does not require employees to complete any specific training program and obtain HIPAA certification. However it is necessary for HIPAA training to be provided “as necessary and appropriate for members of the workforce to carry out their functions.” It is also necessary for the date and nature of the training to be documented, and the documentation maintained for at least six years.
Since HIPAA Rules are complex and far-reaching, HIPAA training companies are often used as an alternative to in-house training. The training companies employ HIPAA compliance experts to train employees on the aspects of HIPAA relevant to their roles – such as the correct ways of handling protected health information (PHI), and allowable uses and disclosures of PHI.
One of the benefits to Covered Entities of using a third-party HIPAA training company is that, at the successful conclusion to a training course, they are issued with a HIPAA certification to verify and validate that employees have attended a HIPAA training course. While the certification may not be endorsed by the HHS, it will be beneficial to the Covered Entity in the event of a HIPAA audit.
Third Party Audits Confirming HIPAA Compliance
With regards to HIPAA audits, it is important to note the HHS states on its website that “Certifications do not absolve Covered Entities of their legal obligations under the Security Rule. Moreover, performance of a “certification” by an external organization does not preclude HHS from subsequently finding a security violation.”
Nonetheless, it is common for potential Business Associates of HIPAA Covered Entities to undergo audits by third party HIPAA compliance experts in order to confirm that their products, services, policies, and procedures meet HIPAA standards. The audits are useful for Covered Entities´ peace of mind as they confirm HIPAA compliance at the time the audit was conducted.
However, for Business Associates unfamiliar with the far-reaching complexities of HIPAA, it is likely they will require help to become compliant. For this reason, it can be important to select a third-party organization that not only offers HIPAA certification services, but one that can help Business Associates implement effective HIPAA compliance programs.
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